Perfect for every environment

Did you know that we need a forest the size of Wales to provide all of the paper we use in Britain each year? The answer is to use environmentally-friendly paper wherever possible.

If you've not ordered paper from an environmentally-friendly source before, prepare to be surprised. You can now expect outstanding performance, brilliant whiteness, excellent opacity and a full range of sheets and sizes. The quality is as good as normal paper, the prices are highly competitive and it's becoming the standard choice in laser printers and copiers for many companies.

So try improving your office environment as well the one around it by looking for the following environmentally-friendly paper ranges.

  • Recycled logo The recycled logo tells you when paper has been recycled - and even how much of the content is recycled. Our Xerox Recycled Optimum and Supreme ranges have 100% and 80% recycled content respectively.
  • ISO 14001 logo ISO 14001 certification is awarded to companies who have an environmental management system in place. Paperflow is ISO 14001 certified - and so are many of our paper suppliers.
  • Nordic Swan logo Chlorine is used by some paper mills in the manufacturing process. The problem is the damage it causes to the environment.

If you'd like to see the quality before you buy, call us on 020 8331 2000 and we'll send you a recycled papers sample pack. Remember too that when we deliver your paper supplies, we'll also take away your waste paper - at no cost - for recycling.


Every year we need a forest the size of Wales to provide all the paper we use in Britain.

Recycle where you can, and buy recycled where you can.